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June 02, 2018


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Interesting. So AMLO won't likely be able to pull off the "Venezualization" of Mexico, then? I'm not personally in the camp that believes that that is AMLO's program in any case. History shows that he was a reasonably moderate, and more importantly, less-corrupt Mayor of CDMX. I'd expect no less as president. And once in power he's likely to moderate his views further. At least I hope so.


Kim G
Redding, CA
Where no one is waiting for the Mexican election bated breath. At least no one else.

Probably good in the long run in the sense that at least the Left had a chance to govern democratically. Change, even if just nominally, is very welcomed in an ossified country like Mexico.

I expect his coalition to falter pretty soon since there's a lot of ideological division even between his own party. I think nobody can say he's socially liberal, and he has plenty of supporters because they think he is. The guy doesn't even support gay marriage, something that's thought crime in most left wing parties.

We can expect very marginal changes, in terms of domestic reforms. Probably mostly related to agriculture, since it impacts the poor the most and it's not that politically relevant. On the other hand, since he plays the victim card like a professional with 20 years of experience, foreign-policy it's going to be an absolute circus, trying to gain support by "defending" Mexico from Trump. I expect him to succeed in this regard.

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