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May 09, 2018


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In this specific case -- is that bad? The mini-crisis you have now is not one created by excessive power in the executive nor a crisis created by overriding institutions and the rule of law (like what was frequently the case). Rather this is a case drive by a mix of bad monetary policy, lax fiscal policy and the global environment. Which then requires tightening these policies (nothing you can do about the global environment). So is the strong executive power (I'm assuming Macri is willing to tighten policies) a good or bad in this case?

(Naturally in the long term it's very like still bad)

In the specific case, I am not sure that the Macri administration needs or intends to exercise any powers not enjoyed by the other American presidents. Unless he is planning another corralón, the President and the head of the central bank have all the necessary powers.

I think; am I overlooking something?

Good post but according to my knowledge after 12 years the election of Mauricio Macri as Argentina's president is Kirchner clan in power blew new wind into the sails of South America's second-largest economy.
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