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November 21, 2015


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Can you post a comparative graph of Venezuelan electricity subsidies? Or in general a map of subsidies as a percent of GDP of various stuff in Venezuela over the years? That's something that strikes me as interesting.

As for Macri himself, the folks in my crowd are giving me the impression that he's a little too much like Trump (I guessing that he's getting a lot of pass on social issues in English media?).

I don't think much will come of Macri in my very unexpert opinion. I think he'll wind up like Piniera, as fast as Piniera went downhill in Chile (with the added bonus of bad times brought on by supercycle's end). Wonder if we'll see some oil corruption revelations with released documents and all.

Venezuela figures are sadly opaque, so I can't really do that. All I can say is that Venezuela has had a much tougher time keeping the lights on than Argentina.

In addition, while Argentine electricity tariffs don't cover costs, 1¢ isn't nothing. But Venezuelan electricity is quite literally free.

So on the one hand, you'd think Venezuelan subsidies would be higher; on the other hand, what with electricity being unreliable and lots of hydro reserves, they could well be lower. Who knows? It's Venezuela.

Regarding "social issues" in the American sense: believe it or not, they really aren't on the table in the election. Nobody cares. Same-sex marriage is legal, abortion is not, and the voters aren't riled up either way. At least not in this election cycle.

Immigration could be a sleeper issue in the future, but it isn't now.

In other words, no, it's not the English-language press. It's that these things just aren't important in the election and Macri isn't likely to do anything with them either way.

Like Trump in that he utilizes xenophobia against labor migrants from neighboring Paraguay and Bolivia.

/me shrugs.

I really do know next to nothing about current Argentine or Chile politics.

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