It seems that I missed the last page of the essay entirely the first time around. It is shrink-the-state pablum. Save democracy by ending government. Or something.
Sorry, folks. I hope nobody took my advice on the first post. The essay has interesting insights, but ends on a sophomoric note, the kind of dime-store libertarianism I found convincing when I was twenty.
(Smacks head)
If the Economist has an article that gets you to write *three* posts in high dudgeon, then I'm going to read it. If only to laugh...
Posted by: shah8 | March 03, 2014 at 03:46 PM
Well, I didn't laugh, but that is truly one...spectacular...editorial. I've been made aware of a number of pretty crazy editorials being published recently, but this one is a contestant for the "best".
To put it simply...The Problem With Democracy Is All The Uppity People Who Think They Should Set Policy.
There is a reason that the most fondly written of government cited in the article is China's. Jeez, what a curmudgeon article...
Posted by: shah8 | March 03, 2014 at 07:34 PM
+1 on shah8's first comment. If it pisses you off _that_ much, it's at least worth a couple of minutes!
Posted by: Bernard Guerrero | March 07, 2014 at 07:46 AM
BTW, the Monkey Cage article on Ukraine with the click-bate title, was, besides being incorrect nearly as soon as WP hit "publish", godawful.
Posted by: Bernard Guerrero | March 07, 2014 at 07:57 AM