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July 20, 2010


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I think that you've really nailed what's changed in the past few years. When Calderón came in and promised a more aggressive approach, some people were worried that drug gangs would move on to bank robbery and kidnapping to supplement their income, but I don't think anyone saw this coming. The extortion is truly rampant here, maybe not everywhere, but certainly across most of the North.

Also, regarding the soaring violence, in Torreón, it's there already. I think the annualized murder rate over the first quarter this years was like 70 or 80 per 100,000. As recently as 2006, it was not very different from anywhere else in the state, but it's gotten worse every year since.

Are you using the data from the "Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Publica" (Mexican Police) cause they tend to be notoriously corrupt. The true murder rate in Chihuahua in 2008 was 76 and in 2009 about a 100.

chihuahua City and Ahumada had a murder rates of 52 and 94 in 2008.

Hi, Diego! Yes, it ultimately comes from the SNSP. Where do you get your data?

Just checked your blog. I noticed the same problem as you did in the '09 data for Chihuahua. I recommend everyone read this.

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