A long time ago, the group bloggers over at a Fistful of Euros gave me the okay to join them. I turned it down. Who needs a bigger platform? People might notice when you say something dumb. I felt very good about my decision when the New York Times wrote about “the influential Fistful of Euros blog.” (Didja know about that, Doug?)
That said, being obscure has its downside, especially since nobody will answer your question: why would Germany want to leave the eurozone? Edward Hugh said it again. Others have intimated it. But nobody explains why this would happen! Now, I know Ed is important and all these days, but I really would like to know why this logic is wrong. C’mon, Ed, somebody, help a brother out. Alex, can you poke him again?
The Euro is a political project, for Germany to leave. It would be a political decision and not an economic one.
Posted by: Reserve Currency | April 01, 2011 at 06:26 AM