Now this is pretty cool. It starts off as just a bunch of hardware rolling by. Tanks, trucks, missile launchers ... although the blue digital camoflague on the missile launchers is a little odd. What will they be defending, exactly? Mongo? Anyway, whatever.
And then comes minute 1:20.
After which nothing is the same. Watch it yourself. But you want to put on your own soundtrack. Rhythm-wise, “Tha Shiznit” is spot-on.
China's 60th Anniversary national day - timelapse and slow motion - 7D and 5DmkII from Dan Chung on Vimeo.
I am speechless. And highly entertained. And sort of embarrassed for some of the participants. What the hell was that with the hardhats and mirrors at minute 2:51?
You can tell I had some trouble with the category tags here.
The blue are the marines (blue to better blend in with, um, water...)
They make the air force cadets wear helmets, which just cracks me up for some reason.
The pink miniskirt and moon-boot unit is the Militiawomen. I assume those weapons are not for show, so I will certainly not make fun of those uniforms in person.
See more pictures here. The air force show is pretty cool.
After the military, it looks like a bunch of the national companies put together floats with people marching around them. I assume the hardhats and reflectors was the Chinese national solar company.
Posted by: bph | October 05, 2009 at 06:52 PM