Who reads my blog? Nobody reads my blog. Do I avoid certain topics anyway? Of course I do; I don't have tenure. But I do believe that my liberal progressive credentials are fairly secure. So I would like to ask Brad Delong, on the off chance that he is reading this, to go here. These arguments exactly reflect my thinking when I first read Brad's posts on the Douthat appointment. I think that Douthat will be a fine columnist, albeit one that I will usually disagree with and often be infuriated by.
Let me add that as someone who between 1988 and 2000 managed to go from a bizarre Reagan Democrat phase into dumb-ass radical libertarianism before becoming a sort of Democratic-voting Rockefeller Republican in the 1990s ... only after 2001 did I drift further left under the weight of, well, facts ... I am seriously glad that there was no internet to preserve my more adolescent opinions. You gotta forgive people their past opinions. Even George Wallace reformed. So I can't hold Ross Douthat's sillier college columns against him.
People usually change their opinions when the fact available to them change. Albeit not always.
P.S. If I haven't said so already, Ganchoblog is worth putting on your regular blogroll, for all news Mexican and quite a bit else besides.
I couldn't agree more that last part! Thanks for the plug.
Posted by: pc | March 25, 2009 at 12:33 AM
I read your blog. Where is the new April content?
Posted by: George | April 03, 2009 at 01:19 PM