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November 24, 2008


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heya - have you already filed a help ticket about this to see if it’s something our support team can help with? sometimes using the "light" version of compose helps too. Let me know how best to help you out.

Thank you, Ginevra! The help team suggested I check the browser configuration, but everything is enabled and there aren't any add-ons running. The light version of the editor seems to be working well. Again, thank you.

A collaborative blog is a type of weblog in which posts are written and published by more than one author. The majority of high profile collaborative blogs are based around a single uniting theme, such as politics or technology.

In recent years, the blogosphere has seen the emergence and growing popularity of more collaborative efforts, often set up by already established bloggers wishing to pool time and resources to both reduce the pressure of maintaining a popular website and to attract a larger readership.

However, collaborative blogs are similar to, but not the same as, web-based blog aggregators such as Planet, as the latter usually pull data from other single-user blogs to present a more constantly-updated, semi-collaborative stream of information; Planet-based aggregator sites, however, are mostly used to aggregate the blogs of individuals who happen to participate in a common project, often various free software projects. Collaborative blogs, on the other hand, tend to be a single site of post publication for members, replete with a common login system, user interface for the publication and editing of posts, and single-post comments system for other users of the blog.

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