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August 25, 2008


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Cool picture! Is that supposed to be the bridge between La Guaira and Caracas that collapsed more than two years ago?

The collapsed viaduct is now back up and running. (I know --- I just drove it!) They put it back up amazingly fast.

I don't remember a view like that from the airport viaduct, so I'm not sure. .

Something about the photo doesn't look right, but do you think that El Economista would steer us wrong?

You are right, the collapsed viaduct was not by the sea, I just checked the picture I took when I was going from La Guaira to Caracas (which was exactly one day after the viaduct was closed to traffic and while I was there it collapsed completely).

Oh, gosh. I've driven the one-lane road up into the hills that handled the traffic while the viaduct was down. How many days it take you to get back to Maquetia?

It depended on traffic, my experience was two or three hours. Some people were stuck there for hours on end (which reminds me to Cortazar's short story _La autopista del sur_, without a proper autopista of course). I have really cool pictures of the viaducto before and after the collapse.

Send the collapse pictures along! I'd love to post 'em here.

Before and after, of course.

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