Go buy our book! It is the best book. Ever. About anything.
Or not. But is a very good book about Mexico since 1980. Here are the chapters:
1. The second Mexican revolution: economic, political, and social change since 1980;
2. Mexico before 1982: the political economy of authoritarian rule;
3. The causes and consequences of free trade;
4. The Mexican banking system: the politics and economics of financial underdevelopment;
5. The transformation of Mexican politics;
6. Health, education, and welfare in Mexico since 1980;
7. Democracy and development in Mexico: future challenges and the legacy of authoritarian rule.
The book is a stand-alone, but it's really the second one in a planned trilogy. You can buy the first part here. Anyway, if you're interested in Mexico, economic development, or the importance of democracy, I'd recommend that you pick up a copy of Mexico Since 1980.
I'm sure that Mexico Since 1980 is pretty good. Is it as good as Brill's forthcoming Pastoral Care in the Late Middle Ages (especially it's brilliant second chapter)? I think the only way to find out is to order them both. (Pastoral Care in the Late Middle Ages will be available around the end of the 2008-2009 academic year.)
/Auto-horn tooting.
Posted by: Andrew R. | August 09, 2008 at 12:44 PM
An open thread for auto-horn tooting?
I have no doubt that "Mexico since 1980" and "Pastoral Care in the Late Middle Ages" are both the best publications ever, if the survey is limited merely to the English-language non-fiction.
However, if we include also those works written in languages other than English, one simply cannot overlook the recently-published brilliant biography "Haavoitettu ritari; jääkärieversti, Mannerheim-ristin ritari Berndt Eino Edvard Polónin elämä" ("Wounded Knight; the Life of Jäger Colonel Berndt Eino Edvard Polón, the Knight of the Mannerheim Cross").
Keywords; jäger movement, the Civil War of 1918, Finnish right-wing radicalism and the Mäntsälä revolt of 1932, Finnish Waffen-SS volunteer movement, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. At least that last theme is always topical.
Also, the Polish "Tygodnik Powszechny" has published some very brilliant articles in its history section recently. Or at least they're better than their coverage of the South Ossetian events (effortless switch from auto-horn tooting to contemporary political trollery).
J. J.
Posted by: Jussi Jalonen | August 12, 2008 at 09:30 AM
This is actually a thread about buying our book. (And Andrew's, of course. But mostly ours.) So go buy our book, Jussi.
Although it is clearly a brilliant brilliant biography.
I promise to buy yours when it becomes available in a language that I can read.
And speaking of your work, I still think that the idea we privately discussed is a good one. Still up for it?
Posted by: Noel Maurer | August 13, 2008 at 03:54 PM
Yeah, pardon the delay. Rest assured, I haven't lost my memory. I just can't place a deadline right now; as I probably mentioned, I have to depart to Lithuania and Poland within two weeks.
After the recent Caucasian matinee, I expect to meet complete insanity in both countries.
About the main topic, I just remembered that the nearby University has a "Department of North American Studies". I'll forward them an advertisement reminding them that there are several countries on the North American continent, all of which are not adequately covered by their library.
J. J.
Posted by: Jussi Jalonen | August 14, 2008 at 07:18 AM
We've got a couple of copies on the shelves of my bookstore in downtown/midtown Toronto. Congratulations!
Posted by: Randy McDonald | August 18, 2008 at 03:09 PM
Thank you, Randy! Of course, I'll be expecting a review and a plug over on A Bit More Detail. It's all about the hype.
Posted by: Noel Maurer | August 18, 2008 at 03:13 PM
I'll not tackle it on Alternate History Tuesday, of course.
Posted by: Randy McDonald | August 21, 2008 at 02:57 PM
Probably not my most desired outcome, no. Of course, I'll be suitably honored if our book inspires you to write an AH version on some given Tuesday. After you've reviewed the real thing, of course.
Posted by: Noel Maurer | August 21, 2008 at 03:03 PM