This is awfully mean. But good for a chuckle.
More serious readers, especially our non-American friends who aren't bombarded with this stuff, can go here (on her substantive stances) and here (for the conservative response to her selection).
But since I am a worrier, I'll admit that I understand Tyler Cowen's admonition that we should not misunderestimate Governor Palin's electoral appeal, because many people may have a lot of sympathy for the woman because she chose to bear a child with Down's syndrome. What do you think?
Here's the latest ad from the Obama campaign:
American readers, please donate. We need your help, in any amount.
As the parent of a child with a disability, I find it incredibly offensive that I am supposed to admire this woman because she chose to have her baby. It reinforces the notion that parents of children with special needs are sainted, because who else would want a "damaged" child?
Posted by: Carrie | August 30, 2008 at 09:50 PM